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Shanghai public brand large wet film humidifier

Brief description:SMG-30-D Wet film humidifier parameters
Type number: SMG-30-D
Standard working condition: T= 25RH20%
Humidification capacity: 30Kg/h
Power supply: 220V~50Hz
Rated input power: 400W
Rated input current: 2.1A
Air circulation: 8200m3/h
Working environment

  • Product model:SMG-30-D
  • Nature of manufacturer:manufacturer
  • Update time:2024-05-15
  • Number of enquiries: 1541

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品牌ZHONGYOU/ Zhongyou

SMG-30-D Wet film humidifier parameters

Type number: SMG-30-D

Standard working condition: T= 25RH20%

Humidification capacity: 30Kg/h

Power supply: 220V~50Hz

Rated input power: 400W

Rated input current: 2.1A

Amount of air circulation:           8200m3/h

Working environment temperature: -5~40℃

Water storage capacity: 30kg

Humidity control range: 30%~75% ±5%

Applicable area: 200-300 m2

Weight: 40kg

Dimensions: 660×660×1900 (mm)

Product features:

  • Environmental protection, energy saving, power saving, high efficiency。
  • Large humidification range, uniform and clean humidification。
  • Large amount of humidification, three sides of the air intake of large evaporation design, to achieve large evaporation humidification
  • The use of highly effective antibacterial materials, to achieve efficient sterilization, no requirements for water quality。
  • Safe and reliable, internal evaporation without water mist and condensation risk。
  • 加湿节能High efficiencyEqual enthalpy evaporation humidification and cooling, saving air conditioning energy consumption。
  • Control mode: Automatic control of the humidity of a single unit, or connect to a remote room to achieve unattended。
  • Large air supply, three axial fan air supply, large air volume。
  • With ventilation mode, circulation of indoor air
  • 地脚Equipped with universal wheel, more convenient to move
  • Suitable for SMT workshop, assembly workshop and other internal heat workshop and electronic warehouse and other large area humidification。


How it works:

Wet film humidifiers make use of the evaporability of water,Water is continuously sent to the top of the wet film through the pump and distributor,Under the action of gravity, the water returns to the main tank through a wet film to form a circulation,When air passes through a wet film,Full contact with wet film,Filter dust and other particles,Purify the air,Humidity increase,Thus humidification is achieved,净化,Purpose of dust removal。

Shanghai Zhongyou Industrial Co., LTD

: Guo Xiangyu

Company: www.shzhongyou.com

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